Such is life at the moment!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

It’s been few days since I blogged, I have been wanting to write, but somehow I wasn't finding the time. Not that I have been busy very much. With the crutches, life has come to halt at the moment for me. But I would still say that life is beautiful in one way or the other. I find myself lucky, to have the support in whichever way I can. People who are there for me, my friends included. Lots of things have happened in last few days and everything is falling into place. Somehow the puzzles are fitting now. Life is tough, but still lovely.

There is a vibrancy , a kind of richness in the air, a sense of belonging, like the flower wanting to be held in the hand. The serenity is breathtaking. Such is life at the moment.  Everybody around is happy, some are cheerful, some are calm and some wanting to better things in their life.  So many reason and life is still beautiful in every way, whichever way you see it. It has always been like that, but sometimes circumstances are such, we can’t see the beauty. And suddenly out of the blue, you get a call and you listen to good news, a baby’s birth, someone falling in love, someone doing well in their life. I recently got a call from a friend, life’s coming full circle for him…He has been there, done everything for himself and his family and now this friend of mine has fallen in love. Never seen him like this before, but its happening. He is not himself, a side that I hadn’t seen since the time I have known. It all seems so magical, he wants to fly everywhere. I have never seen him like this, love does wonders to one really happy for him. And I know every heart that beats knows what this love about.

When you interact with different people, there are few you realize are there in your life for some purpose, they are there for some reason. And I don’t know how long they will be there. But whatever the relationship, its worthwhile till it lasts.  They bring a special ness in your life; your perspective towards life gets a makeover. And you wonder why you didn’t meet them earlier in life. But still its never to late.

When you discuss things over, you feel the puzzle is getting solved all of a sudden. It was right there, and still we couldn’t find it. As if someone is mocking us, to find what we are looking for.   The heart always knows the answer, but we have got into a set pattern of thinking, that doesn’t allow us to see the picture clearly. Our moods, our negative thoughts become obstacles in our lives. And yes these are the people who make us aware…for some its change for a life time, for some the there is a flutter in the heart, as if the heart has missed the beat. I find these people God sent, otherwise who would have thought someone so far away, would have an effect on someone sitting over here. We all need someone who can guide us, and clear the cob webs and makes sense to what life has to offer and the beauty of all this.  Just their presence is good enough to make things shift in ones life, a good enough reason to change life in one split second. These people give you a different perspective about life. 

Life totally shifts, I am finding myself all over again in a new light. Don't know where my life will lead to, but am thankful to few who came into my life now. A small be friends for life!


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