God's Special Child!

Thursday, April 21, 2011
I was standing near the door of my classroom,  waiting for the kids to come back. They were being toilet trained. Its amazing to see how these kids manage everything well, and their lively-ness is infectious. they are the most comfortable with the aayas (maids) of the school, guess over there they get to be themselves , get to speak in their native language. Its fun to watch them grow from little toddler to smart little cuties!. keeping their innocence intact is the need of the hour, am doing my best to keep it that way. My thoughts were with the kids, when suddenly the principal called and asked me to come in few mins to her desk.

While walking towards the cabin, I noticed some commotion at the corridor,  was curious to what was happening. And there I saw him slouching in the chair, with his head drooping in the front. I had an uncanny feeling about all this. I reached a little closer, and I realized my eyes were moist. He was God's special child. My heart went out for this little one and I couldn't help but ask myself " This isn't right ". Wish I had a magic wand, so I could see this child ;hail and hearty. Found him a little nervous, they usually are when they are in new places, with new faces around. His parents were besides him, holding his hand . A real handsome couple, lovely -smiling faces, life's played a real bad joke. For a moment, I just moved back, to wipe the tears. Couldn't help but show am strong enough to handle this. The principal introduced me to little Rohan, we both shook hands, though clumsily. But for that single moment, I knew this bond was for a  lifetime. I am sure he felt the same. We looked at each other, and he gave me the cutest smile I ever saw. My journey began with him from that day onwards.

The principal asked, If I was willing to take care of this child. Oh yes! I haven't had any formal training for teaching children with special needs(rohan is suffering from CP-cerebral palsy disorder- its due to brain abnormalities- at times affects their movement, learning, thinking , hearing and seeing). But I don't know , somehow I knew, I would be able to just work with this child and help him to lead his life more better than what it is right now.

Rohan has been affectionate since day one, caring loving, but he like to be the center of attention all the time. And with the other kids around, it was difficult to keep him entertained all the time. The first month was the toughest, as he was just getting used to coming to school. He was way too pampered at home, and its obvious as it happens with special children. But slowly rohan understood what it takes to be at school, the discipline and the learning started taking place. And I never realized, my learning also started happening along with rohan. Patience is a virtue, but with rohan, I realized it takes a lot to more than patience to handle a special need child.

By default, rohan's head used to alway droop down, and I used to tell him , "Chin up" and automatically he used to get his chin up...But this used to happen, only if I demanded it. One fine day, I  had become slightly anxious, so I  told rohan, please keep your chin up for some time...for that he said" teacher , this is the most difficult part for me". Sad, thats the irony of this all, we keep on sulking for small things in life, projects not got, soul mates not met, deals not finalized etc...and here's a child for whom sitting straight or keep his chin up is difficult task. We take for granted the simplicity that is there in our lives, and here is a child who is defying all the odds and smiling with all that he has got. He understands his specialness, and yes it does pain him to know that he is not like rest. And yet he is teaching me so many things all the time. Acceptance is a paramount, the day we know that...life gets sorted automatically!....more on our journey together later on.......


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