Deep Down within the Heart.......

Monday, October 3, 2011
Deep Down within the heart.......What do we feel?. Countless emotions come rushing back.... we know exactly what's the feeling within. That's the exact feeling that tell us the truth, the reality as it is. When we feel the deep calmness, about something or someone, we know we are on the right track. It feels good...the feeling of elation and happiness surrounds us. Cause deep down within the heart we feel  that the things are perfect just the way its meant  to be. It doesn't matter whether it's the way we wanted it, but we still feel so good about it. This feeling that we get It's not fake , it is  real. Ponder over the feeling that comes from within..and when we do get a thought..."Is whats happening - is it worth it or not worth it..?"

Don't we all have answers, even when we know that it isn't worth it. The heart keeps beeping back at us about facts. This is our hearts way of asking us to please have a look , recheck, re-evaluate that someone or something in our lives. But are we willing to consider the answer. I doubt. Our attachments are tough to defy and make us look up for the signs,  for the clues.The time is spent in thinking, wanting, hoping, contemplating and stretching.The heart never lets us down, cause it always tells us the truth about how we feel, the way we feel . We know the worthiness of something or someone.

Have you ever poured your life and energy into someone or something even when you knew it wasn't worth it. Were you successful ? and what were the result? If we observe there are countless occasions, when we invest time, money etc....knowing for a fact that it isn't leading us anywhere. And yet we continue  with the hope that things would get better or we can sort it out. There's a lot of stake, when we hold on to something that is not worth...but sometimes the realization comes a little too late.

Around a year back I had a very beautiful relationship....the feeling was sacred, beautiful , and yes with attachment too....I poured my entire life into the relationship.....and I simply kept pouring and pouring....and one fine day....I acknowledged the signs that were coming from deep down within my heart. I sincerely wished for the relationship to work at all cost...all in the hope that it will. When the end came, My sense of loss and grief was real! I realized I couldn't spend more time...because I had tried everything that was in my capacity and it wasn't worth . The time had come to let it go and even though it was hard and had to be done...

What happens when we discover that we are pouring water into a broken container

Do we get another jar?
Do we fix the jar?
Do we keep pouring?

We hang on to something or someone...for the good memories that we share can be a person or a thing....something so special to us. But there are signs, that keep telling us...that this isn't going ahead. Countless decisions are made to simply fix it, trying to make sense, trying to give sense, this takes up all the energy, the feel good moment is what makes us carry on....Our determination to fix it at all cost, is what most of the time lets us down. Cause we are simply not seeing the signs that's coming from deep within the heart. And we keep on pouring , pouring pouring our life into that something or someone...just to make it work, to fix it. It's unthinkable to imagine life without....

Consider the life that you are leading at the moment..

what or who are you pouring your energy or life into?
what are the returns?
do you like what you see?

Just look deep down within the heart...and you will get all your answers


{ chandni } at: October 3, 2011 at 9:43 AM said...

True, but not sure, we all want love much in life, that we willing to take a chance, not dreaded by the consequences, waiting for a miracle for the impossible to work out!!! :)

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