The 9pm Friends!

Thursday, April 14, 2011
The other day, after my friends visit late evening...I commented on the snap, the 9pm friend. This got me thinking....about friends in general, especially these 9 'oclock friends.

What is about these 9pm friends...that make them a little different from the other friends. The others are equally as special and valuable. But the 9 pm friends are special in a special way. The wavelength is different, its as though there is an understanding of a kind. There is a comfort in their presence, no pretense , no amount of show. The acceptance is natural. They care enough to motivate you, to keep the spirit up, but they dont worry, they know that you are strong enough to face life as it comes. They know exactly the way you think. Its a frank relationship, and there is no issue of give and take, its an understood thing. No need of explanation is required. They knock on your door anytime, and you don't have to be prim and proper, just being the way you are is what is important. This is what is appreciated the most.

Sitting on the sofa, and listening to their conversation and being there in the moment with your friend is what matters in friendship. Its never about you, its always about them in the conversation.There are times, you don't have to say anything, just a pat or a hug is enough. There are times when space is paramount, and it is given without demanding. When you hear them speak on the phone, you exactly sense their tone, you exactly know what going on in their mind. These are the people, you just don't have any inhibitions, there are things they wouldn't appreciate, but they still go along cause they know how important it is for you.

They are an important part of your life, and you can discuss with them anything under the sky. Just a phone call and they would be there. There is a sense of simplicity in the relationship, there is no judgement of sort, there is only an inherent understanding of a kind. And its not necessary to be in touch, just the thought that there is someone there for you, not just when you need, but just the presence is soothing enough.

....all this is because you have formed a certain kind of bonding with a friend of yours. This bonding is not with each and every person you meet or every friend that you have in your life. It happens with only few who just come into your life and they remain in your your heart, in the place that you have given them in your life. Wherever they go, the feeling doesn't change, its just as it is or rather you grow fonder of the person as each days passes by.


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