A Blissful State.......

Sunday, September 4, 2011
When the sun shines, it shines for everyone. This is the exact feeling I have now, through it has been pouring heavily since morning. The wet weather didn't dampen the glowing radiance I felt, in the midst of this downpour.

The mind is calmer, gentler as usual. The thoughts keep coming in , occupying the mind when I give importance to them. There is peace within and am sensing the warm glowing radiance around me as if the sun rays have swept the room. A blissful state, a state where everything seems possible, everything looks beautiful, everything around is just the way it needs to be.

A Perrrrrrrrrfect life....it can't get better than this. And with the tap of the two fingers, one can get into this blissful state anytime. It's like being in trance, one can hear the echo, that comes from within. The silence is experienced at the core of our being. This state of blissfulness can be easily activated, but it's important to want this state at all cost. Its all about focusing attention to things we perceive as good, blissful. and in that state anything is achievable anything is possible.

The question is how badly do we want to get into this state. The daily nitty-gritty, can get under our skin and make us drift away from where we would want to be. For some getting out of a tough moment, be it with a loved one or be it at the work place, be it with a friend...is simply an ordeal. The tape is getting played in the head, re-winded again and again. So when do we put a finger on the stop button. It ain't easy to do that, cause the more we want to do it, the more we want to feel right about what happened or feel sorry for our state. Yes, acknowledgement is important to understand what one goes through and make sense of all that is happening. But what if we continue to be in state of wanting to be right at all time or feeling sorry. Does it really help....No it might just help us to feel Ok for some time and then what.

A blissful state is a way of life, nothing affects us as long as we are in that state. Even the ironies that we come across, seem fine..cause the mind is calmer, the mind thinks from a state of calmness. It guides us to a better us, there is no reaction, there are no outburst, there is only bliss. A child like state, where everything we perceive just as it is, nothing is expected to change, nothing is wanted more than being in that moment of bliss...be it playing with our buddies, or all alone playing with a toy, or just being in the arms of the mother.

A gift of acceptance, a gift of peace...is what this bliss is all about. 


{ chandni } at: September 4, 2011 at 11:45 AM said...

how true, the storehouse of happiness is within our selves, the peace is the biggest source of happiness!!!! so beautifully put into words...

{ Nandita } at: September 4, 2011 at 11:51 AM said...

yes! this blissful state is within us..we just have to keep it activated :-)

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