Every heart that beats!

Monday, April 11, 2011
Every heart that beats........every person in this universe, wants something to feel good about, something that would make him or her happy, make them contended. Every one around  is trying to find a place under the sky, a place to call his or own, a person that he or she can call his own.

These last few months have been different for a lot of reason, but more so...of getting to know people around me more better. Its universal, every soul is struggling in some way, for some accepting fact is a difficult task , for some getting financial independence, for some getting into shape, for some getting back on feet is priority, for some finding a soul mate, for some forgiving, for some understanding is an issue, for some making things work etc....its countless.

The journey has already begun, the day one is born, years pass by and there we are not at the fag end of life..but at the cross road. When we have to make certain decisions, and and its one of the most toughest thing that is put across to us.

When I meet people, I see countless wanting to make a difference to their lives, that includes me too. The need , the want to make a shift in their lives for better. I hear the sighs which is so often hidden,when the speak , either through chat or on call, or when they meet in person. "Will I be able to let go.. I know it makes sense, but the heart is not willing . Every night I ask God to help me let go. And it isn't just happening, why is it like this, why doesn't the heart let go, I did my best, yet i am where  i am. would the person come back in my life again, is he really right for me , am so confused"  Yes dear, I understand I feel your pain, I have been there myself and it is really tough.

"Nandita! am looking for a break. I need to get a job, it has to work now. Its been three years...and the wait still continues". Then  the phone hangs, am speechless myself and all i could mutter, it will happen. And I know it will happen...but sometimes waiting itself is a task. Everyday waiting for that one call, that you have been selected. The waiting is killing. Too many things on the mind, but just this one should get done, the rest will happen ..Sigh!...wish life was a little easier,  for that perfect job, where all the other aspects will be taken care of.

Sometimes finding the right soul mate, having everything life, yet happiness is out of sight. For that one perfect guy. Doing whatever it takes, to make things work, yet no one is sight.  "What is it in me? I am pretty, confident, intelligent, I care, but still why ain't  meeting the one meant for me. why do i just keep on chatting and keep on waiting for the other to say yes. Am even willing to wait..bu i see no respite " ...sometimes it just takes a little longer to find the right one...just have faith. am waiting for my one!...I know one day it will happen..till then...am happy with the way things are at the moment!

Some go their carefree way , to finding a moment of bliss in their lives, they have already given love and got nothing in return. Nothing serious, just a casual fling and its alright...cause somewhere they want to be feel loved and taken care of for that moment. to feel good about their lives, which is so very lonely. So a moment like this is welcome..

For some, making two ends meet is the toughest task. A mother who is raising a kid single handed-ly working for long hours, just to get food on the plate and having no social life. and is unable to forgive her ex-husband for the state that she is in. Am coaxing her to get some charm in her life back.

My recovery is taking a longer time than expected, a fracture that happened 4 months back, and  am still in the recovery phase, wanting to walk back soon, get working and start my life all over again. Right now just taking each day as it comes and being there for those who need me in their life.

That's the irony of it all, are we just forgetting  the joy of living in the present. What does it take to be happy, these wants are all that is, the desires are many and the wish list is endless..

Faith heals and I know all will get done, time will heal, everyone will find their happiness, Just living in the moment is all that matters.


Chandni at: April 11, 2011 at 4:43 AM said...

Hahaha feels like the story of each of us, could read my self at several place...well done, very touching...

{ Nandita } at: April 11, 2011 at 5:44 AM said...

It is definitely the story of each of us.....and yes..it includes you too...inspired me to write about our everyday lives!

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