The Emotional Connect....

Friday, May 27, 2011
In life, we come across some very interesting people all the time. With some we simply get connected and with some it takes a while and with some it just doesn't happen however we try our best. So what is it about this connections, it is the emotional connection that am talking about. This emotional connect is important for any relationship to flourish in the truest sense, where there is a sense of belonging without any encroachment of sorts, but yes its not necessary that we have to have an emotional connect with all the people we meet. With few we simply have it,  when there is openness and acceptance of the person as it is. not being judge- mental about it. There's a lot of sharing that happens, and its a two way process. Its mutual from both ends, being open, being vulnerable and trusting the person not to hurt you emotionally. A few minutes back while having a conversation with a dear friend of mine...she said " my life would be incomplete without you...if some day you decide to walk away I will be left devastated". To mean so much in some one's life is good enough reason to live. Tears welled up and I could only mutter..." I will be there for You" . Its bond like these that makes the relationships so special. They are like pearls, to be treasured in the heart.

The Garden!
So how does an emotional connect happen, it's when we believe in the relationship we share, be it friendship, be it love, be it with a spouse, be it a with a child etc. And Most of the times, we don't have to do anything extra, just being oneself and allowing the other person the way he / she is. There's is a beautiful understanding that has already taken place, one doesn't even have to say or do...its usually felt. One has a sense of things the way they are around. Some time ago, I had met a lovely old couple. We clicked instantly, as if we knew each other for a long time. The ease , the comfort that we felt while conversing, was so beautiful. Uncle spoke about his love of gardening, and I could sense a man who is caring in his nature, not just to the plants, but with the  people around him. He is taking care of the minutest things for his family and his garden. The warmth that we felt while sharing our lives, was absolutely beautiful. What was it that bonded us so well, the first time we met, the answer for this can only be felt and not told explicitly . Guess connections like these are made by God.

And there are some that we meet, it's a different kind of a relationship, something is amiss . We can't figure out what is it that is keeping the person from opening up. There can be a great camaraderie but sometimes there isn't any openness, people rarely let their vulnerability out. The deep pain, the anguish, the ridicule, the hurt is what they cant share. Few years back, while meeting a friend. I realized he was always on guard of his emotions. I kept wondering, he knew everything about me, but I knew so little about him. Somehow he always avoided any  personal question put across. I wondered what was stopping such a wonderful person, in sharing his life. While entering his house that day, I saw an empty toddler swing hanging in his doorway. My heart skipped a beat, I knew it at that  moment. He very briefly mentioned about his impending divorce and the kids were with their mother. Sometimes its not necessary to know everything, Its simply understood as the things stand by. Its moments like this, when silence speaks for itself. I still don't know the reason and don't want to know the reason, unless one fine day he decides to share his journey. And for the same reason, the emotional connect didn't happen with this friend... I wished it had...But its not necessary so........Only time will tell.....

Some deep connections do happen, the emotional connect remains intact. For the rest, it will happen when the time comes and it isn't necessary..cause there is beauty still in the unknown.


Anonymous at: May 27, 2011 at 11:34 AM said...

touches the soul straight!!!! left me in tears again chandni

{ Nandita } at: May 27, 2011 at 11:36 AM said...

Its matters like these that leave an everlasting impact!

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