The Dark Sarcasm in Classroom!

Sunday, May 1, 2011
The news has been more welcoming today, the Government has decided to stop the dark sarcasm  in school. Any teacher caught using words like "stupid" "idiot" "fool" or any other banned punishment, will have to face disciplinary action. It took so long for the govt. to take this step. It's ironic, that so many have suffered an ordeal at the hands of teachers in the classroom, be it school or private classes. There hasn't been any check on this activity. Countless incidents can be cited, and it has been falling on deaf ears. 

Who Care's what the child goes through, when a negative remark is passed on him/her. There are repercussions of these remarks, when told repeatedly,over a period of time. It demoralizes the child, to an extent of being scarred for life. The teachers don't even know what damage they caused, but they continue so. Teachers behave like bullies, no control over their tongue. And yes classrooms can be overwhelming too, with other children getting into the act of using these words among themselves or more towards the child who has been on the receiving end.

Two years back, I was recommended to see a child, before I could help him. He seemed quite cute and normal..but was so scared to even be greeted by someone. On further analysis, realized he was reprimanded on every mistake that he committed while learning. There was no room for him to make an error, was slapped repeatedly. So the child was so averse to learning, that he almost didn't feel like touching his books. It took me some time to get him into confidence and assure him, that teachers are no demons.

I remember my school days, It was one of my toughest phase . The teachers were too mean, some of them used to use words like " born rogues", statements like " you will never learn" " you are so dumb how can you learn " " this is not your cup of tea". Imagine what this can do a child's psyche.I have survived, but even then I used to feel, this needs to be stopped. But who would tell the teachers, they knew all the answers so well. Recently I met a school friend of mine, and on further conversation realized she still feels she is no good. For this reason, she doesn't do anything. She says whats the use, am no good, I wont excel in this. Even after such a long time, the damage is still there. This is the irony, the realization of all this doesn't happen,when the damage is being done. 

Last year,while doing the analysis of children. marking them on their performance, their behavior in class. I noticed a child, who wasn't performing at his best. I knew it from where this was coming. Requested the school to let me have a look , at whats happening in the class. I had to be discreet , so as to get to the truth. So positioned myself at a safer distance and there I saw it, the child had just stepped in to the school corridor along with his mom in tow. And his class teacher was there to welcome him, but on seeing her he started to cry, not even willing to go further ahead and asking his mom to take him back home.On further investigation, it was revealed that this teacher was being very partial, not including him in the group of children, being nasty all the time. and staring at him while angry. This led to his performance in class to deteriorate. 

The Child has his own mind, own identity. They are individuals in their own right, they have feelings, they understand a lot. Just because they have issues in learning, doesn't give the teachers the right to be mean , to hurt them in any way. Some children are slow learners and there is nothing that can be done, except have patience and understand their difficulty and take it from there. 

We have to train teachers to be effective analyzers and have compassion for such students, who genuinely need help. But teachers in India are also overworked. Imagine to cater to around 50 odd students everyday all by oneself. Its a tough job for them as well. and most of them join this profession not out of choice, so there is no love while teaching, the salary is meager. So all this bottles down to being nasty on the less fortunate children's. Its a vicious cycles, but somewhere we have to put the spikes and just bring a halt to this painful misery done to the innocent minds. Its only then, we can help the innocent minds and have a healthy generation. This is the future generation, we have to take care of it right now. 

One of the shocking incident that happened last year -

There is some respite,with the government stepping in and controlling  the damage that has been happening since ages. So from this June, we should find some refinement, in the teachers behavior with regard to children who are  the less fortunate ones. 


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