This is My Gift!

Thursday, May 5, 2011
Its one of those days, when you sit back and wonder about the things happening with you. And yes, right now am feeling a bit relieved and a bit uneasy. How long a wait is long enough? that's the question. Everything happens for a reason, and there is no choice but to be strong. Its been nearly 5 months now, nursing a fracture. And honestly, though its not been easy, but somehow...I think I am managing well. Some times , it takes longer to heal, but am long as its healing. However things are at the moment, I am filled with gratitude. My parents, have been the biggest support and they still are. When I look at them, it makes me want to get better soon. A thought does come, at this age...I had to put them through all this..guess it was in the destiny. We are there together and that's what makes me happy. My mom is like the rock of Gibraltar, a very determined, energetic and courageous person. I get my strength from her. For her, I wish to get better soon. And yes there are few people without whom this phase that am going through wouldn't be complete, Every person in my family, especially my nieces n nephews, their unconditional love, has been motivating. Simply not motivating, but its been fun.. I remember just last month, while I was resting my leg(with the plaster) on the floor, my nephew of 2 yrs, used my leg as a slide to slide down. It was funny,  wish I could have filmed it. In all this he made laugh so much. My other nephew, has been such a wonderful soul. I remember, he laying down the mats on the wet floor, so I could walk well with my crutches. and he is just 10, where did he get this understanding. I felt so touched by his gesture. This incident had been etched in my life forever.

Not to forget my friends, who have been there. praying and wishing all the time for me. Some of whom, have kept me company , coming online at the same time , just so that they can be with me, to make me feel better. There are few who encouraged me to think things over, there are some who even called up, just to know how I was doing. There are some, who just come when they know they are needed.Its a task for me to climb steps, and it is then that I really need help. and without even asking, my friends pitch in to help me.Its something in their heart for me, that has allowed the healing to take place. This is my Gift, the gift of unconditional love that I receive all the time, and that's my strength too.


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