Dew drop on a leaf!

Thursday, July 28, 2011
As Socrates said  "mans life is like drop of a dew on a leaf" . The leaf in that moment is the support, without which the dew drop would fall to the ground, and escape our eyes. It is the same with our existence in life, when things seem uncertain, we rarely think about what life is actually offering us. And here I was sitting on my chair for a while now, the tea had gone cold. My friend was sitting right across.  At the moment, she seemed more anxious than I ever had seen before. Lot of things going on in her mind, and she was finding it tough to cope with it. Her brows seemed a little tensed and stretched....yet she looked pretty even in this. I felt the urge to touch her forehead and calm her mind, but I stopped myself and got my attention back to what she was saying and let her speak. 

When in despair, the entire world looks alien or distant. and it is at moment like these, one needs someone to confide into. Thoughts like "I don't know what to do?" , " if I could just get more love, more understanding from my family, if just one person adored me, I wouldn't be so anxious and could count myself supported".  Just pause for a moment, and think . Every single person around is supporting us in some way or the other, and even when the support isn't felt the way we need it to feel. It is making us be the person we intended to be.

When things get tough, there are many avenues that open, we just have to be alert and be available. Its never the end, we think it is, but it isn't like that. Just look around.....even the person walking on the road, is supporting us in some way...he might be working for a company that supplies us our daily network. The chair that we sit on , the bed that we lie on, the music that we listen are all part of our support system.  Even the universe is playing its part, the sun always rises, the moon always sets in...we have our day and night and that too everyday. Isn't that a support! Why not feel supported, irrespective of what life is at the moment. Its that simply, count the blessing all around and the world will manifest in itself. Even the tough life that we go through, is an indicator of what we are capable of doing with limited support.

Next time look at the dew drop, and when it fall off the leaf and hits the ground....see the way  it mounts on sunbeams to the sky!


Anonymous at: July 28, 2011 at 4:23 AM said...

Well said nandita awesome!!

{ amita } at: July 29, 2011 at 3:31 AM said...

well written dear

{ Nandita } at: July 30, 2011 at 1:21 AM said...

Thank you all!

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