The View from my Window......

Monday, July 4, 2011
There is a slight ruffle on one of  the branches outside my window. A bird is perched and moving along the branch ...its the Fantail flycatcher again. And I realized have been been watching this bird for a very long time now.  Earlier in the week I did wonder which bird is this...thought it was the chimney but on closer look to know it was the fantail..usually found in the tropical areas in Asia. The weather is nice , with the summer breeze flowing through (yes! even during the rains..its still the summer here).The branches swaying in the breeze ..and so is the Fantail. Wonder how the Fantail is feeling at the moment...the breeze flowing through its feathers and moving its beautiful tail.

It has started raining and the leaves along with the fantail is getting soaked in the warm water of the rains.The huge mango tree with its branches spread out looks fresh and clean . The sky is looking grey-er , and I wish it remains like this throughout the day.Simply,  love the grey a mystical  feeling to the surrounding. Sitting on the bed, looking at the this world outside.There is a sense of liveliness around, more than before or is it just me who's feeling like that ..I guess so! This is the view from my window, the only view that I have of the outer world at present. Every window is not just a window to the outside world, its a window to our inner world, a world only we know so well. Our feelings, our emotions are deeply locked inside us....its when we look outside, its not what we see that makes us feel good, its what we feel within us, how we perceive things the way they are around us that makes the difference. The window is just a thing, a structure, an object, through which we see the outside world. But the inner world is the one, that makes us feel what we feel truly about everything in Life. It is this window that we need to open , to discover ourselves , to discover what is that makes us feel good, makes us feel happy in life, even discover things that we truly don't understand about ourselves.

A chat with friends in a coffee shop, a call from a loved one, a job well done,  seeing the happiness on our child's face all these things makes our world beautiful. Life becomes dependent on others happiness and yes we feel good how long are we able to sustain this feel good experience or moment as we call it. The sunrise makes us feel elated and happy and full of hope, but if we are not feeling good within, even the sunrise can't do wonders to our soul..Its never out there, its always in us, try to find the happiness within.  It is this window that am talking about. But very rarely we see this inner window. As I look through the window of my house, I also notice the window pane and the window sill. And a thought can I make it look more interesting. Its all up to me  to do the necessary changes. And with the inner window, its all up to me, to create a beautiful world, the presence of which I feel within .

So dear what's the view through your window?


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