Take a Chance........

Thursday, October 20, 2011
How would  life be without the chances that we got till now, am sure life would be dull and drag. This isn't a perfect world and we are not perfect people and we all need chances. I am at my nth number of second chance right now and I am not ashamed to admit it. I have failed a lot, but I have tried a lot too. We rarely get things right for the first time. Our life starts with a decision to try again and again and give another shot to the failed attempt. It's normal to make mistakes, we learn and we grow and take a chance again.

A chance......Simply said or asked...what a lovely word is this! It acts as an adrenaline pull for everyone and including me. If life gives us a chance again, what would we do......Just this thought is enough and it even sounds so beautiful....yes ! this is exactly what comes to my mind. A chance to be happy, a chance to make a difference, a chance to live life all over again, a chance to get back on feet, a chance to Love again....a chance to say Sorry, a chance to Forgive , a chance to say Thank you, a chance to Forget, a chance to live Life on its own term, a chance to Celebrate, a chance to Move ahead , a chance to Let Go, a chance to learn something New , a chance to make things Work, a chance to renew wows, a chance to renew relationships., a chance to be strong......there's so much to this word....every second of our life we are given a chance. 

There is fear, apprehension, skepticism, yet we do need to take the chance to know what life is once we take the chance, perform the action and be complete with it. Yes I understand! It's not easy at all . We often forget that if trying to find that certain someone or something is a tiring process, we have the right to stop. It's often the chasing, what was once a vital part of our lives. But by no means , are we allowed to deny ourselves the chance to be happy , in fear of being hurt again.  And also more important is never give yourself a chance to fall apart , because when you do , it becomes a tendency and it happens over and over again.

So when do we know whether there is a chance available or when do we know we can take a chance...its a matter of choice..but the beautiful fact is this... a chance is available every single second....its only a matter of our willingness to take the chance. So what are we waiting for, who are we waiting for....etc....chance is already there all the time..in front of us, we just have to take the STEP.

Am taking my baby steps to walk back again and move towards the life I want. Each one of us  has the chance to be happy again.....Just Take A Chance!


{ chandni } at: October 20, 2011 at 5:48 AM said...

i agree nandita!! but its intimidatating, but yes i will still go with you, coz every time is diff...very inspring Thanks!!

Anonymous at: October 21, 2011 at 3:19 AM said...

Guess! somewhere we have to let go off that fear and take the chance to be happy all over again.

{ Sudheer Sunkari } at: October 21, 2011 at 11:33 PM said...

To take a CHANCE , one must forgive all and forgive them selves for the happenings in the past...... Sudheer Sunkari

{ Nandita } at: October 22, 2011 at 5:51 AM said...

Rightly said Sudheer!.....forgiveness is paramount!..a way to move ahead and take the chance. Thanks!

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