Online relationships!

Saturday, June 25, 2011
In the age of social networking, we get to meet different types of people. We have a different kind of relationship with each and every person we meet online. Its fun getting to know everybody, with some the bonding happens instantly, and with some it just gets takes a little more time and with some it just come to a point of hi's and hello's. Its the kind of  friendship that develops into something so beautiful and indescribable. We end up making plans to meet up, and decide to have a great time together. And we know it in heart that it will follow suit. I have met few of my old friends and it was amazing to meet them again. It felt as if nothing had changed, the years passed by in one split second and all the memories came flashing by. The same smile, the same laughter. Even the dimples remained as it is(as if that was going to change). There is an urge to meet them as often as possible, hoping to catch up with their lives. 

For some the relationship gets more deeper than the friendship that was there earlier , as we share our personal journey and in turn get involved with their lives too. Its happening all the time, sometimes we just hit it up so well, that at times...we end up falling in love with the one we are chatting.Not with the intention of falling in love, but for some it ends up that way. Have seen the flutter of the heart and the person is already in heaven himself..and you just wish that hope there is an happy ending to this story which started online. The distance doesn't matter anymore, its all too simple and easy access, just an offline message and one is connected for life.

And for some who get angry, that we didn't keep in touch with them for such a long time when they kept calling us..reminding us that we needed to be in touch. And when we initiate the friendship again, they are not there anymore..still holding the grudge.

There are certain risks too, sometimes we end up sharing so many personal stuff, and its never intentional, but it just happens. And one wonders whether we did the appropriate thing of sharing. Since its done, it can't be changed, just hope that it doesn't backfires. But that's the learning experience for us, to be careful, who we share our lives with. There are some who act quite funny, who asks such questions that one wonders about their intentions in the first place. Maybe they themselves are not aware of what they are doing, some are lost in their world, for some its passing their time or just getting to know someone with some intentions in mind. For some it becomes an ego issue, to even say an Hi or hello!

And yes there are some who come into our lives and change our perspective in some way, they makes us look at our lives differently.They motivate us to do something concrete in our lives. They don't stop at that, they keep insisting that we go ahead in life and make the world a more better place. There are few, who come for guidance, of the hope that things will change for better. And yes life does change, the change is already in the process, it their willingness to wait is what counts in the end. 

Its a wonderful world out there, with wonderful people!


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