The Rhythm....

Thursday, January 26, 2012 2 comments

Look around yourself, the nature has a rhythm. The sun rises, the sun sets, birds chirp , the ocean tide comes in and goes back out. The nature's cycle keeps moving.  so does the rhythm in us keeps moving within, but it moves only when we are in sync. When there is total surrender to life, to what you love doing, to loving yourself the way you.are..its only then you can feel the rhythm. It's the time when you are deeply engrossed in something, it can be your work,  it can be in the calmness of the sea, in the beauty  of the nature, or in simply listening to the music , totally oblivious of everything around you. Surrendering in the total bliss and enjoying the process...of doing what you's the feeling, that you feel at that moment is what moves you in rhythm even without your knowledge.. This is the divinity , the oneness of the soul....something that touches the very core of your being and you find your life is in sync. The Rhythm, requires a little bit of structuring....cause if you notice…..nature does thrive on rhythm and order. When you have order in your life, it maintains sanity when things around us may not be. Structuring provides the stability and gives us the control over our somewhat uncontrollable lives. Yes… for some structuring might sound boring….but if you do ponder a little, structuring gets us the closer to the rhythm in our life.

And the tidal waves of the ocean, you do come across an off-beat wave...that is out of sync with your rhythm and you drift away from the shore. Some waves makes you uncomfortable, there are memories of hurt, pain , ingratitude attached and you begin to feel the pull and you allow another wave to take you in.  And then you do tell me about how you felt so contended to stay floating in the rhythm of your life, but this offbeat wave has just put you far away from your shoreline.

Here's the the song goes..." We hold all the keys to our undoing"'s this drifting that makes you think about the gets you connected to yourself, to think more about the rhythm that you miss so much . And as you search back your rhythm, you see another wave coming your catch a glimpse of the smiles, laughter in the wind, that soften the tensions, the walls crumble down as quickly as a cookie in your hand and you return back to the rhythm of your life. 

I find the  rhythm in your walk, in your smile, in your laugh, in your touch, in your expression, in your caring, in your loving, in everything that you do .....I feel it. You have had this rhythm since the time you were born, it's simply there. I hope you do remember it and I do hope that you can still feel the rhythm.

Waves will keep appearing on your just have float to the shore and in that process you will find your rhythm!
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The Identity.....

Saturday, January 21, 2012 4 comments
Our identity is what we have with us, and its truly ours.....It is this identity , the perception , the concept of who we think we are , that directs and organizes our beliefs, our core values , our capabilities, actions, and behavior. Everyone of us are unique, it is this uniqueness that drives us to express ourselves creatively with passion.

It's what we stand for, it makes us the person we are, the beautiful, the amazing, the caring, the compassionate, the passionate, the loving, the gorgeous, the trustworthy, the go-getter, the pursuer, the iconic, the legend, the lawyer, the businessman, the therapist, the doctor....the list is endless...We identify with outward expressions of ourselves – our career, our family, our looks, our clothes, our home and possessions, our class, our education – all of these things reveal some aspects of our identity to a certain extent.

Beginning at birth, we lose ourselves in the sheer energy of living - in activity, in people, in beliefs, in should and ought and expectations. But what happens, when we let go off this Identity completely, that is the us, that's what makes you and me.....

Recently on one of my trips outside on my own after I started walking again, I went to visit a friend of mine.   It had been nearly a year since my last visit to her place, Yes, It almost took a year for me to walk again. And there I saw her sitting relaxed comfortably on the chair, waiting for me to join her. I admire her passion, the way she has always been with the kids. Her love for children always shown in her eyes. But this time, it seemed different, something was amiss. I could pinpoint, but I restrained myself. I simply acknowledged her the way I used to for so many years.  The spark in her twinkling eyes seemed missing, and I wondered did she knew it herself.  When we loose ourselves, we simply remain a shadow of our own identity. I looked at her eyes, the pain shown in them now. What happened , that such a passionate lady came to this state...I had my answers right in front and there were some I was wanting to know. 

When we become the shadow of our own identity, when we let go off ourselves, when we give up on ourselves to maintain, to balance our life, our we end up loosing our identity...For some YES...they do....come what may, life doesn't seem the same, its different. It's only the others that count, somewhere they take a back seat, they simply follow. Leaving behind, what they actually want from their life, leaving behind their passion . They allow someone else decide for them just so that they can have the relationship or be in the relationship.

Yes...we do take up different roles, pertaining to the situation and the demands that life puts on us. Take a moment, is it really like we really have to loose our identity. Reflect on all the different roles we choose to take on in our life, don't they help us define who we are, some roles invite us to express more of who we really are and some roles don't support us in being us. Nevertheless each role carries within a mission to be fulfilled. But these roles never suggests that we have to forgo what we really love, what we stand for, what inspires us, what makes us the person we want to be and more importantly the Identity that we created for ourselves, the identity that we love so much.

In whatever situation we find ourselves in, we can always preserve and enhance our Identity! We simply decide and get back the self, love the self .. that's all!

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Sunday, January 15, 2012 3 comments
For everyone of us...the word "meaning" signifies a better understanding of a particular word, the end purpose or significance of something.   The point is , what meaning do we attach to the lives that we our life. The meanings that we attach to a particular incident, event, dreams and more significantly to life.

It's important to understand,  the meaning we attach to our everyday incidents, events, they  define the lives we lead. Do the meanings we attach or give makes us the person we are or takes us away from the person we want to be. It's the interpretation, that get us going, whether forward or backward. There is nothing right or wrong, its an interpretation, that we choose to have at that particular moment. It's a choice we make, a conscious decision that we choose to make and interpret at that moment. 

Does the meaning that we choose define us, takes us to or makes us the person we want to be. A lot of us lead busy lives which does get stressful at times. An incident, an event that catches us off guard, so what do we do do we relate to we press the panic button, or do we analyse the situation. In both the instances the meaning has already been assigned by us, the only difference being from where we approach the incident. It's overwhelming , when we are faced with a crisis, but for some the life is like a crisis as they are in the reaction mode. Does this it does not cause it deprives us of the happines we so deserve in our lives.

Looking inwards within and seeing from where the meaning is coming from. What is it that we are relating the incident the meaning that we attach coming from fear, anxiety or is  it coming from  a sense of freedom, where we are in charge of our resources in hand. We choose the meaning, but we need to check the source, we cannot live our life in fear of the inevitable. Cause the inevitable is what we have thought in our minds, but in reality it might not be the same. So if we notice, we are reacting to an event, in a fearful way, rather than confronting it with a stable mind, where there is a sense of certainity no matter what happens. The inner sense of certainity is what counts  and cannot be taken away unless we allow it. This is the emotional intelligence, and each and everyone of us has it , but we need consciously choose to respond rather than react by asking different questions. We need to ask " what is  great about this situation?"

It does not matter what happens, even the worst could happen but there is something good that we can still choose to find in it. Something meaningful that makes us be in charge rather than make us feel like a victim all the time.

Live with complete certainty and respond to life!

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