This One Is For You.......

Thursday, December 29, 2011 0 comments

This is only for you, cause you deserve it, and you have been deserving it for such a long time. But  you don't know it yet, and you still don't believe you are deserving of it.

There has never been a perfect time...the perfect time is now, this moment. must be wondering what is this IT all about....let me tell are truly special, beautiful and chosen one, the one who is so so deserving of Love. Most importantly you are lovable. Yes, yes you are lovable, exactly the way you are...with all your limitations, with all your faults.

This is you, with your likes, dislikes, your wants, intentions and goals. And if things are not happening in your life, if life still seems empty, know that you are still lovable. Nothing changes, irrespective the way you are at this moment.  With life misses, mismatches, adversities,  loneliness , the emptiness, know that you are still and will always be loved beyond anything in this world. No one decides who you are or what you ought to be, its only you who decides.  Acknowledge yourself, know yourself...and forgive for all the wrong things in your life, and know that you are not about all those mistakes, or all those judgement made upon you. Have compassion for your shortfalls, while rejoicing in your gifts. loving yourself , relieves you of self-judgement and self-criticism.You rarely appreciate yourself, or admire yourself for who you are as a person. You are unique in your own way, your experiences have made who you are at this moment.

What would it take for you to know that you are loved , all you got to do is start loving yourself, the way you are. And you will notice the difference that starts happening in your life. Self love is paramount, it is what set us free from everything that keeps us away from what we aspire, what we want in our lives. We often seek out people that mirror our innermost feelings, about ourselves. If we feel undeserving of love,  we will attract people into our lives that are incapable of showing it. When we stop seeking love and look inwards for the love that is already there inside is then that we truly know what is love in the first place...and there is nothing more than this. All the goodness is out there waiting for you to experience  life beautifully.  The difference you start noticing, will not only help you in your relationships, but you will notice a phenomenal change in your outlook towards life, your perceptions about life.

It's nearing the end of a year, why not take this opportunity to focus your attention on this individual self of yours, the true self of being. Start experiencing the love for this self of yours, it will bring deep ease and relief. Knowing this true self of yours and loving it unconditionally is delightful in itself.  What a lovely way to end this year on a beautiful note and Start the Next year...with a renewed You.

A new meaning , a new purpose to look forward to in life.. Isn't it?

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Some Answers........

Monday, December 19, 2011 3 comments
Today after a very long time I got a letter, a beautiful handwritten one.  Imagine the thrill of receiving a letter in times like this, miss those early days, when life was simpler and we could even do without the cell phones in hand. This letter, reminded me a lot of things , a whirlpool of thoughts barging in from all the areas of life, but more profoundly what I thought interesting , was it reminded me of something that we all do, every person look for some validation, some justification and more importantly for some answers. We look for answers...isn't it?

Every moment of our lives, we are searching and finding answers. Wanting to find respite in our everyday lives, some answers come early, some answers take time, some are already on their way towards us, a knock on the door is enough for us to know the answer has been delivered. The Expectations sky rocket, the waiting is too much to bear, yet we keep on looking  around for the answers. At least a clue or a sign is good enough, to calm our hearts. So does the answer come....Yes it comes to us in many ways, it gets delivered but we are so glued to looking for that one answer that we tend to miss, overlook what has been delivered at the moment. So are we open to acknowledge the answer, irrespective whether the answer delivered is in sync with what we expected it to be. 

The issue usually starts when the answer is not in sync with what we expected for a long rattles our heads .... how long is long enough, was our wait justified, was it all worth, so much effort and yet this outcome. This is unnerving, the mind desperately starts searching for answers, to make sense of all that is in the front. It's at this moment, the mind starts looking for a scapegoat, something to be pointed at,  it goes to the level of justifying something that is frivolous in the first place. The signs were already given to us a long time ago, it's when we fail to notice the sign, that's when the issue starts creeping in. For a moment, look at the answer, exactly the way it has been delivered. And in that moment we will realize that the answer was meant to be the way it was delivered to us , nothing more or less.  Perfect the way it is... the answer was inevitable, the more we accept it at face value, the better it is for us to find an appropriate solution. I know most of the time its difficult to digest, but we still have to...It's like the child, wanting a specific toy or an ice cream , nothing seems to pacify.

The answers, when we look deeply , we will notice.....that all along we knew the answer, but somehow we were not willing to accept the outcome, accept the inevitable. Now that the inevitable has been delivered, what next.......the same answer guide us to a new change, a new life, that is waiting to be explored. An answer can change our life in an instant, it's what we do with that change that happens in our life, is what matters in the end. It's never the end of anything in life, it's only a step towards finding a new meaning, a new way, a new outlook to what has been delivered at our doorstep through the means of an answer.

Life is full of surprises and some answers are inevitable, simply take them with a pinch of salt..
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It's all about feelings!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011 3 comments
It's been a while since I got to write , been busy with sessions. Just then, someone sent a beautiful picture of themselves in Europe. And a thought crossed, the landscape was so captivating, it took me back to my time in London,  while standing on the bridge with the Thames river flowing underneath. All I could see was the beautiful reflection of the view in front of me on the river, simply breathtaking! One of those magical moments!. It's not just about pictures, its about the way we feel. A thought crosses our mind and how we take the thought , what meaning we attach to the turn decides the way we feel. Its the way we feel when we look at a picture, it’s the way we feel about life, about the things in our lives. It can be a story, it can be a picture, it can be our work, and it can be the way we feel about a person. It all comes down to feelings in the end.

Out thoughts make up our an extent that our brain needs to process 60,000 thoughts on an average daily.  It's the way we process thoughts internally, some thoughts lighten up, some thoughts makes us happy, some thoughts pain us, some thoughts encourage us, some thoughts makes us feel low etc...But thoughts are there, we cant stop the thoughts coming, but we can definitely choose how we feel about the thoughts that do pop up in our heads. And this is where the feeling starts taking place, and suddenly we feel elated, happy, energetic, vibrant. And we wonder whats it about this moment that we feel like this. It's only a thought...and we feel good about it.

What is it that makes every individual, perceive his or her own experience……it’s the way he or she feels about it. When we are witness to an event happening or when we experience something in our life….the thoughts keep coming, forming sentences in our heads and it comes to what we feel about that thought in that moment. It's the thoughts and the way we relate to it, decides the way we feel about our life as a whole, about the people around us, about the relationships that we hold close to our hearts. It's the feelings that usually decides what our next step would be, what our next move will be. From the top bureaucrat to the person on the comes to only feelings in the end...its these feelings that makes us who we are as a person, the way we approach our life. 

These feelings help us to survive, help us to scan our environment the way it is. but sometimes these feelings can makes us overwhelmed, it can make us feel uncomfortable, uneasy.....Look inwards and  ask yourself ...what are the feelings connected to. As for the picture that I mentioned earlier, the feeling was nice, but sometimes the feelings are different, so what do we do then. Wait and see what you notice, you might remember something, you might hear some sound..notice some tension in some area of your's a sure sign of making you aware of the things that you haven't been aware of consciously. Don't try to interpret, judge or analyse. Be open to simply notice. We may already think we know why we are feeling in a certain way but sometimes there is more to it than we think.

Am feeling good about you? Am sure you too are....and if you are feeling different at the always have a choice to shift the way you feel. That means....remember the times when you felt good.  let yourself relax and get comfortable. It could be something that really happened, or something that you create , feel all those pleasant feelings.  Feel your body shift from what you are feeling , letting those feelings go. Let yourself feel feel more relaxed, stay with this feeling until you really feel connected to it.
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