It's Just a decision.......

Friday, September 9, 2011
Staring through the window...I could see some children playing on the terrace. Their laughter, their giggling was infectious. Had a moment with myself and realized it would be simply great to play with them, but knew that it ain't possible now. Too many things going on at the same time and yet feeling absolutely blissful. But for now I got my attention back to my friend who was sitting right besides, smiling and beaming with pride. What one fine decision can make a difference to one's life.

It's just a decision .....but somewhere we have to take the decision, however tough, however uncomfortable it may sound, or make us believe. The decisions have to made, when life puts facts in front of us and yet we choose to continue in the same direction where we see no respite. Somewhere that leads us to the edge and makes us take that one decision that changes our life forever. I cannot say for better or worse. But the fact is, that once we take the decision, we know its the best for us. Tough decisions are never easy, but it's usually the mind that makes the decision look tough. It's only a decision, but when we give names it acquires a different meaning and that puts us in a fix.

Why is it so tough to take that one decision in the first place, is it  the meaning that we give to a particular incident, to a particular person, a particular object that makes the decision tough to take. For some the hope, for some the indecisiveness , for some the fear of the inevitable,  for some the letting go, for some the comfort zone.....these things just delay the process in our lives, they act as blockages and Unless we remove these blockages we are stuck in the rut for a very long time. It's just a decision.....but nonetheless a decision, that relieves us from the make believe world that we pretend to see, it makes us see the reality as it is. A sense of freedom, a sense of making it ahead, a sense of looking forward to a more better life.

And as I looked at my friend once again, I knew it so well, the smile had just come back. All along he had pretended everything was going on well, but I knew something was amiss...his laughter never reached his eyes. But just a single decision of his, did wonders to his life . For now I was simply being a witness to this miracle of God in front of me.!


{ Chandni } at: September 9, 2011 at 11:01 AM said...

Absolutely True!!! one decision makes all the difference!!! well done once again!!!

{ amita } at: October 13, 2011 at 9:06 AM said...

beautifully written dear ,decision does make a difference in life n miracles do happen

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