The Act of Conversation......

Wednesday, September 28, 2011 0 comments
It's been a week long absence from any activity but a break of sorts is good. It is rejuvineting to come back to the scene with a new feeling , with a new thought, with a fresh mind. The aroma of the tea had already filled the room and I wished for the perfect breakfast and there it was right on the table . I sat besides  my parents ......simple things in life and so much to be thankful about.

Just then the bell rang, and we had an unexpected visitor. He too joined us for breakfast, now the conversation moved from personal daily nitty grittys to politics to the bombay life. There were quite a few laughs that we shared during the course of our conversation, some yesteryear memories and etc....... It went on for sometime....good laughs and good memories always have a way with us feeling good all the time.

There is something beautiful and yet intriguing about conversations, some conversations are so subtle, unless you are alert you can just miss the point....some conversations make us think..make us think things over. Some are just plain and simple and yet beautiful and some are just so  unnecessary, that we would rather not have a conversation but yet we do . It can be out of fear, out of avoiding but we just get into the act of conversation.

It's the way we put things across , the way we say things....if we observe the words us or others, we get a hang of how the conversation is going. It is interesting to note that usually a conversation depends on the intrinsic relationship or the bond that we share with the other people or the group that we are having the conversation with. The beautiful-ness  in the conversation  comes more deeply when we listen. When we are there to hear the other person out. The sharing of ourselves, our view is integral part of a conversation. The willingness to be there, to understand and carry the conversation forward is a skill, but many a times people have to really stop themselves from interrupting.. the urge is too great to resist. For some it is easier, for some listening is just tough to come.

Some conversations light up the entire room and it's like being a part of a celebration. A feel good moment, to take back with us. And some conversation, just get us into realization ! Oh...this is what it is all about. And we wonder at that could this slip my's then the reality dawns. There are people who are waiting to utter something sarcastic or stating the obvious. If its delicately put across, then it helps the conversation to move ahead, if not..then it can only spoil a wonderful  morning or a beautiful evening. Notice the expression that happens while in conversation, it's quite interesting. These expression give us the signs of how we are progressing in our conversation, very few are alert to these signs.

Conversations are a way to grow, a way to heal. Cause its during the course of conversation, we learn so many things about ourselves and others at the same time. It's just not a mere discussion or a debate or a phone call or chat, its more than that. It makes us understand the issue, the field of discussion, the life nitty- gritty's , what people share and what we say to them in those what defines our conversation. After all a conversation, be it beautiful, good, interesting, or something else remains etched in our minds. So see to it that we do make our conversations interesting enough, so there's an audience to listen to what we have to share and vice versa!

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A Zen story....

Friday, September 16, 2011 1 comments
There is an Interesting zen story, and yet absurd as Osho puts it. But the story actually depicts the life the way it is!...This is one of my personal fav stories, made me realize the importance of being an observer first. I hope you do enjoy reading this story as much as I have enjoyed making it a part of my life! 

The story goes like this...A Zen master ask his disciple " some time ago I put a goose in a bottle. Now the goose has grown big and neck of the bottle is very small, so the goose cannot come out. The bottle is very precious and I don't want to break it, so now there is a crisis. If the goose is not allowed out, she will die. I can break the bottle and the goose will be out, but I don't want to break the bottle - the bottle is precious . I don't want to kill the goose either. so what would you do?"

This is the problem! the goose is in your head and the neck is very narrow. You can break the head, but it is precious. Or you can let the goose die, but that cannot be allowed - because you are the goose.

Many answers were tried, but he would always beat the person and keep saying no. someone would suggest doing something with the bottle, but again the master would say : the bottle will be broken or something will go wrong and that cannot be allowed. or somebody would say  : let the goose die, if the bottle is so precious. These were the only two way;there is no other way  and the master wouldn't give any clue.  And then  one disciple said " The Goose is Out"

But to this disciple he bowed down and touched his feet and said : He is right - the goose is out! it has never been in. You are out! you have never been in . The feeling that you are in is just a false conception.

So there is no real problem of how to bring you out of your head. Just watch, watch what happens? Just close your eyes and watch your thoughts . What happens? Thoughts are there in, but you are not in. Everything is moving around and watcher is Beyond!

Watching means to be out. Don't try to come out. Who will come out? No one has been in. The whole effort is futile, because if you have never been in then how can you come out? You may go on trying and trying and getting involved in it, you may get mad but you will never be out. Once you know that in a moment of watchfulness you are beyond, transcending – you are out. 
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Making sense......

Thursday, September 15, 2011 2 comments
Making sense of it takes a while to understand things, understand life, understand people around and more importantly to understand oneself. takes an effort to understand , and yes it is still so beautiful even with all that happens around us, irrespective of whatever happens. But thinking too much just takes away the beauty that is there to experience, even when it is very tough. 

For most around , life isn't what it's meant to be. So many wishes, desires, expectations etc...the list is endless and that's one of the reason to feel the misery in one's life.  What would you say to a child born with a fatal disorder that can't be cured. Did the child deserve this, No he didn't and no one  deserves to go through such  pain and suffering at the same time. And yet we feel that we have so much less in our life . Just ponder over this thought, even in this state the child has been provided with some support in the form of a wonderful family, a lovely sibling to hang around. Similarly we are always taken care of even in the moments of despair that we go through. 

An upset, a deal not done , a waiting that's really testing our patience, a health that is taking a longer time to heal and etc....countless and never ending issues. Questions like" how long will this continue" or " why me" or " would I really have peace" or " when would I be able to get out of this situation" . Wouldn't it be wonderful if we just get some answers to the why's , the when's in our life. Life without the why's and when's would be a wonderful life actually.  Imagine, everything happening the way we wanted it, getting everything we ever asked for, all dreams coming true, all wishes granted. Aha! what a blissful life would that be. But I bet, it would definitely lack luster, that we have in our lives at present.

It's overwhelming most of the time, the waiting can get on our nerves, the answers don't come and we search here and there for the right answer. And yet, it doesn't come...and I have no answer but I know exactly how you feeling at this moment, whats going on in your mind. I can feel the pain. But know one thing is all will be fine one day and all is perfect the way it is at the moment. When you accept the reality the way it is, it all starts making sense. Its really very simple, cause in that moment we understand that our choices, our decisions have brought us to where we are at the moment. Just be thankful, at least there is a realization that we are responsible for everything that happens in our life, be it good or bad. For now just wait and  have faith that one day all this that we go through would make sense. Till then makes peace with what is happening.

To simply say....when we notice the smile on the face of a special child and when we feel the smile within us, that's what makes sense, that's what makes it worth to put the extra effort that we always wanted to put forth.
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It's Just a decision.......

Friday, September 9, 2011 2 comments
Staring through the window...I could see some children playing on the terrace. Their laughter, their giggling was infectious. Had a moment with myself and realized it would be simply great to play with them, but knew that it ain't possible now. Too many things going on at the same time and yet feeling absolutely blissful. But for now I got my attention back to my friend who was sitting right besides, smiling and beaming with pride. What one fine decision can make a difference to one's life.

It's just a decision .....but somewhere we have to take the decision, however tough, however uncomfortable it may sound, or make us believe. The decisions have to made, when life puts facts in front of us and yet we choose to continue in the same direction where we see no respite. Somewhere that leads us to the edge and makes us take that one decision that changes our life forever. I cannot say for better or worse. But the fact is, that once we take the decision, we know its the best for us. Tough decisions are never easy, but it's usually the mind that makes the decision look tough. It's only a decision, but when we give names it acquires a different meaning and that puts us in a fix.

Why is it so tough to take that one decision in the first place, is it  the meaning that we give to a particular incident, to a particular person, a particular object that makes the decision tough to take. For some the hope, for some the indecisiveness , for some the fear of the inevitable,  for some the letting go, for some the comfort zone.....these things just delay the process in our lives, they act as blockages and Unless we remove these blockages we are stuck in the rut for a very long time. It's just a decision.....but nonetheless a decision, that relieves us from the make believe world that we pretend to see, it makes us see the reality as it is. A sense of freedom, a sense of making it ahead, a sense of looking forward to a more better life.

And as I looked at my friend once again, I knew it so well, the smile had just come back. All along he had pretended everything was going on well, but I knew something was amiss...his laughter never reached his eyes. But just a single decision of his, did wonders to his life . For now I was simply being a witness to this miracle of God in front of me.!
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A Blissful State.......

Sunday, September 4, 2011 2 comments
When the sun shines, it shines for everyone. This is the exact feeling I have now, through it has been pouring heavily since morning. The wet weather didn't dampen the glowing radiance I felt, in the midst of this downpour.

The mind is calmer, gentler as usual. The thoughts keep coming in , occupying the mind when I give importance to them. There is peace within and am sensing the warm glowing radiance around me as if the sun rays have swept the room. A blissful state, a state where everything seems possible, everything looks beautiful, everything around is just the way it needs to be.

A Perrrrrrrrrfect can't get better than this. And with the tap of the two fingers, one can get into this blissful state anytime. It's like being in trance, one can hear the echo, that comes from within. The silence is experienced at the core of our being. This state of blissfulness can be easily activated, but it's important to want this state at all cost. Its all about focusing attention to things we perceive as good, blissful. and in that state anything is achievable anything is possible.

The question is how badly do we want to get into this state. The daily nitty-gritty, can get under our skin and make us drift away from where we would want to be. For some getting out of a tough moment, be it with a loved one or be it at the work place, be it with a simply an ordeal. The tape is getting played in the head, re-winded again and again. So when do we put a finger on the stop button. It ain't easy to do that, cause the more we want to do it, the more we want to feel right about what happened or feel sorry for our state. Yes, acknowledgement is important to understand what one goes through and make sense of all that is happening. But what if we continue to be in state of wanting to be right at all time or feeling sorry. Does it really help....No it might just help us to feel Ok for some time and then what.

A blissful state is a way of life, nothing affects us as long as we are in that state. Even the ironies that we come across, seem fine..cause the mind is calmer, the mind thinks from a state of calmness. It guides us to a better us, there is no reaction, there are no outburst, there is only bliss. A child like state, where everything we perceive just as it is, nothing is expected to change, nothing is wanted more than being in that moment of it playing with our buddies, or all alone playing with a toy, or just being in the arms of the mother.

A gift of acceptance, a gift of what this bliss is all about. 
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