The beauty of a Full Stop.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011
While going through the page, I noticed the child had missed writing a few full-stops. And it is this that got me thinking, the beauty of a Full Stop. Its simply a dot at the end of a sentence, but without which the sentence remains incomplete, it wouldn't make sense or makes it inappropriate to a larger extent. And at times we do end up using different types conjunctions like "and, or, nor, but, because, after all, hence, otherwise" etc and making the sentence seem like a paragraph. Hey!..I almost forgot the word "IF". A full stop gives meaning to a sentence.It's only an end to start something afresh, to begin new. But its very important that we do use it at all times when required. 

Similarly , how often do we put full stops in our lives, when it is required.  There are so many 'buts', 'If''s' and 'Only if's' and these are never ending. Every corner of our life, we have to deal with it, be it in relationships, work , health and it goes on and on. I get countless calls from people who need help, for wanting to change something in their lives, feeling stuck in a relationship, wanting the relationship to move further, wanting to take care of their health- but finding no time. 

Yes, prayer and faith heals and sorts everything in life, but one needs to do some work. Ask the mind, to take some action, otherwise one will feel miserable all the while. What would it take to simply say whats going on in our mind for such a long time or for that matter what would it take to simply stop an abusive relationship or what would it take to simply say a "No" to a pizza. Somewhere we have to put a full stop and start taking actions to change our life for the better..Why do we need to stay stuck in a rut, just because we owe something to a person, to a place or even to ourselves just because we are emotionally connected. 

We rarely do that , we simply just carry on and on, hoping for things to work, hoping that others would simply understand. Its all right to hope, wish and dream. But some where we need to just step back and think, what is it that's bothering us. There has got to be something, that we simply don't feel right about, we don't feel good about how things are shaping up in our lives. It is this SELF, that we need to take care, not to end something, but to stop something that doesn't allow us to be the person we are meant to be. The mind plays a tape and Say's " hey... don't you feel it was otherwise, what am I getting out of this and how long am I going to keep trying,  why am I feeling so used, why are you doing this, why am I just not saying, why can't I  just say stop".  

When this perception of ourselves gets deflected, it is time to step up a little bit and simply put a full stop. A full stop to all the nonsense, the hypocrisy, the cheating , emotional blackmail etc...Anything that doesn't allow the freedom to express oneself, to value what we believe something that we really need to give a thought. And Once we do put a full stop, we experience the real freedom. A new beginning that adds meaning to life, respect to oneself and the process of loving the SELF occurs. 

There's a price we pay, when we delay these full stops in our lives. Mine just came a second too late, but  I hope you do put the full stops, when it is really needed. With a Full Stop there is a sense of completion to begin  or to write something new . And it is just not to start afresh but also to add a new meaning to the previous sentence. 


Anonymous at: July 7, 2011 at 5:47 AM said...

Amazing!!! looks like this answers a lot of questions to many of us!!! so true, we need to put the fullstop on the right time..

{ amita } at: July 7, 2011 at 7:06 AM said...

hey Nans thnx to write this on ur blog as it is an eye opener.There need to be a fullstop in every aspect of our life so we can see the new phase of life.

{ Nandita } at: July 7, 2011 at 9:21 AM said...

Full stops at the right moment, save us a lot of time and trouble in life!

Aakriti at: August 16, 2011 at 12:09 PM said...

A wake up call for all....We truely need to learn how to right things at the right time..
Thanks dear...

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