What is it dear.....

Tuesday, November 8, 2011
........ that you are still looking for, still searching for, still holding yourself back to make that decision, trying to find the right answer. Every want,every desire, every wish, every intention gets granted or gets done.And yes...it does follow suit and  most of the time, our prayers do get answered. It's all in the perceptions, it's how we perceive things in our life. It's still a perfect world with all the imperfections. Isn't it so!.

Even the five fingers of our hands are not similar, but yet they are in sync with each other..that's how it is . And yet most of the time our mind put's us in a dilemma cause we want to have the perfect solution, the perfect answer.  But do we really find the answers that we are looking for.  Some answers come easily and some answers take time and some don't even see the light of the day. The mind tries to find logic behind every aspect of life. Life comes to a standstill for many of us....when we expect life to be in a certain way, when we expect approval, and when we see the reality is different than what we perceived it to be, we get disappointed. We keep on asking everyone and every one has a different answer to give, based on their own understanding and also what they feel would be appropriate for us.

 .....STOP! wait a minute....just think....what about what you think, what is it that makes you happy, what is it that makes you feel good about your life....When will you start taking decisions or doing things that really matter to you...irrespective of whether you get the approval or not. What about your views, what about your feelings. Or does your views don't matter. Think about it...your views are equally important than what others think about you. Cause you are the one, who will define yourself. This is the time.....nothing is out there , it's all there in you...to make it work....but based on your decision...not on  what others say, the others can help...but it's finally your life, you got be happy eventually in the end. You got to find your own space and be happy wherever you are, then the world is just perfect the way it is and it has always been perfect.

...Try to find the balance, and the answers are right there, its for you to decide whether which goal, which dream, which relationship is worth keeping cause that's where  the answers lies....it's never out there, its always within you....


{ chandni } at: November 8, 2011 at 2:15 AM said...

very true, well said!

{ amita } at: November 8, 2011 at 3:33 AM said...

ur absolutely right in saying so if we try to find the answers then they r within u only we need is patience

{ Martina Cullivan } at: November 18, 2011 at 7:07 AM said...

so so true, thank you for them words of wisdom Nandita!

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