The Paradox in love......

Friday, August 5, 2011

Love is wonderful, all encompassing,beautiful. There is nothing as beautiful as love. Love makes the world a happier place. The feeling of oneness with the other person that we are in love with is amazing, there are no limitations,no boundaries. It's pure and sacred, when it is so heart felt. Love is what we are , its just there in us. We are not taught how to is there in itself. Yet there is a Paradox, that arises time and again, it is not just in the imaginary mind. It's an action that needs to be expressed. "I love You" the three most  beautiful words that we hear or say to someone, but is that enough. It's in the action that one means, what one feels. There needs to be some kind of communication of action registered. Then its love.

We may do things to gain approval in love.We may come to them with open hearts and open arms stretched to feel the oneness, but is it expressed with the same intensity from them. Most of us, are wanting to express and feel the tenderness in love.. It's this feeling, this tenderness, is it being valued, cared, respected when all we want is to give the love that is within us. What we feel deep within, is what we express, is the other person listening to what we have to say , the willingness to be there, willingness to take the next step along with us.

The dwelling of love is within, but who we try to seek the love with, depends on the person who is in space to receive love. If the other person is not in the space to receive , then how will he or she be able to reciprocate in the same intensity. We speak of unconditional love, and expect the other to love us unconditionally, but how do we know that. If we love someone with the intention to be loved, then that is not loving unconditional it is in fact conditional love.

In today's time , there is an undue advantage taken of innocent love just for unnecessary quest for vain glory. It's so much easy to preach, write, and sing love, but it's impossible to live it. Some of them have reduced love to fabricated words in cards, plastic flower, premeditated online chats , or simply giving gifts to get the love...etc....And in turn they have successfully manipulated the one gift that God gave to mankind- LOVE.

The irrational beliefs,take its toll on the relationship that is beautiful, beliefs like", "living and loving are two different things" etc....countless thoughts keep getting justified in the name of manipulating the very own beautiful gift of love . Inaction in the face of a challenge, leads to lot of pain and suffering. The quest of selfish demands, have managed to disregard the importance of true love in one's life.

The breakdowns of communication, the lost of trust, the strong disagreements, the day to day tensions. Inside we cry out for that wonderful love to be restored, but often we find it so hard to find words or the actions to fully express our desires. Our heartaches, we cry, get angry, withdraw, feel rejected, and it is at moment like this when we honestly share that our love is the most important thing and not an issue, that we begin to communicate. In this process,we have learnt more of giving self above our personal opinion. This is the union for true love, but who has the patience, very easily one gives up.

As Shakespeare said in one of his sonnet  - " Admit impediments. love is not love : Which alters when its alteration find, Or bends with the remover to remove: O no! it is an ever -fixed mark........"It is when we care for the other, a bit more than we care for ourselves. But in order to love that other, we must first love ourselves . If love is true, the answer appears and we'll find two can be one and be whole.

Love heals, Love hurts
Love starts, Love ends
Love provides, love takes
Love is when we put others before us.

I have known and experienced every one of the above paradoxes and probably could re-write this after experiencing them all over again.


Anonymous at: August 8, 2011 at 5:04 AM said...

Very Beautifully written, all of us go through the same wave of emotions when it comes to love, beautifully put into words!!

{ Nandita } at: August 8, 2011 at 5:38 AM said...

Thanks..!it would be so beautiful just to know that someone care, understands, but sometimes it's way to beyond that reach!

{ amita } at: August 9, 2011 at 1:41 AM said...

the importance of love in one's life is beautifully described would love to read more on this topic which is a part n parcel of everyone's life.

{ Nandita } at: August 9, 2011 at 5:24 AM said...

Yes! how true! is all that is there and still the paradox does exist!

{ Nandita } at: August 9, 2011 at 7:39 AM said...

Yes!...Love is still the way it is!

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